
Derek's Crab Shack.

November 3rd to November 6th

After coming back to LA from NYC I kicked it off with searching for an apartment right off the bat. After 2 days of driving around and seeing really shitty bit studios apartments, and really nice tiny studio apartments, I FINALLY found one that was both nice and NOT shitty.
I was searching all through the Silverlake, Echo Park, Studio City, Culver City, Miracle Mile, Hollywood area...and somehow ended up finding this gem in...Burbank.
Ya' know what though? Burbank is quiet, but it's clean and there is a bunch of stuff around. So I'm pretty happy with where I ended up.
Plus, you can't complain about finding an apartment and signing a lease within 3 days. That's just crazy talk!

The day I signed the lease Chris and I adventured to Lowe's where I bought copious amounts of black and green paint. I figured before I move all my stuff in, I might as well paint the place. (I already had everything I needed to live inside of my huge army-issue-size backpack, the one I had been traveling all over the world/country with).

So here are the "before" pictures that I took, right after I had signed the lease:

That's the living room, the door on the left is the apartment entrance. The window looks straight out to my pool :) It looks really cool when it's lit up at night.

Standing from where that door was, this is looking at the living room from the other side. The doors on the left are my closet, the door in the middle is the bathroom, and the door on the very right edge of the picture is the kitchen/bedroom.
Yeah...um....you'll see ;)

This is the bathroom.

This is a cove that shoots off from the kitchen.
I neglected to take pictures of the kitchen, but basically you walk into it from the living room and have the sink and oven on the left-hand-side, refrigerator on the right-hand-side, and then straight ahead is this nook. I decided it would be a good place to park my bed :)

Well...time to get paintin'!!!

...where the hell do we even start?

The pictures of the finished apartment will be up in the next post, but I'll have you know this:
Chris and I painted the bedroom nook that night, the next morning (bright and early) I started painting the kitchen...and fell off the counter and fucked up my arm.
Like. It wouldn't move...much.
The next day I went to an orthopedic doctor, without health insurance, got some x-rays and he told me to just lay off using it for 4 weeks. As I expected, I had hyper-extended it the way I fell on it (although my sister and her physical trainer colleagues, whom I talked with on the phone, were convinced I either dislocated it, or ripped important tendons and vessels).
It's now just about 2 weeks later and I can move it in most directions, but it's still sore and makes popping noises sometimes.

So yeah. Look forward to the pictures of a fully painted, furnished and decorated apartment...all done with one arm.
(and MUCH MUCH MUCH appreciated help from Steve and Yvette! My T-Rex arm is ever-so-thankful for them helping me move boxes and furniture in :))


This place is right down the street from me. I think tomorrow Steve and I might go there...hell! It's called Joy Feast!

After 1 week of slaving away at my apartment it was time to work on my next show. When I left, at around 7am, the sky was bad-ass looking. So I took a picture. This is the picture. Yay Burbank!


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