
Go see Nightwatch

it's an awesome 'possum movie. Seriously. It's fucking great. (but not as good as Natalie Portman rapping, NOTHING is that good, http://www.devilducky.com/media/42822/)

So Eli and his lady friend visited last week, that was super cool. Although, there wasn't nearly enough video game related activity involved.

So now they're gone, and I super miss him. Sure, that's brokeback, whatever. I've been around the damn kid for like...20 years, so it's weird not seeing him often.

By see I mean play video games with.

So I spent all of Saturday playing "The Movies." It's a game...and it's a lot like The Sims, but you control a studio. You start in the year 1920 and work your way from there. Researching movie techonology, directing movies, editing them, etc. It's fucking sweet.
I played it just short of 24 hours straight. It involved no food or drinks, sans a "Monster" energy drink that I found at work. That thing was fucking nasty...and kept me awake until 6 a.m.

After four hours of sleep Brenna and I went to Universal Studios for the afternoon.

That's when the mind-fuck began.

It's strange enough going to an amusement park low on food or sleep, but ESPECIALLY when that park is a studio...and you just spent 20 hours playing a studio simulation game.

I tried so hard to drag and drop where the palm trees where, and to demolish the sets I didn't like...it didn't work.

Today I spent a good portion of my time at work shooting a video for a web commercial. Good times. Good times.
I've also started to bond with my fellow employees. There was always this weird awkwardness of going into the education center portion of the building (mainly to piss and get hot chocolate) so I've tried to get to know the people over there better.

Now getting hot chocolate isn't just a journey, it's an adventure.

Meh...I'm tapped out on ideas.

Oh shit! I've got tons of pics that Eli and Sarah took while they were here....so instead of me trying to think of the past 3 weeks of my life, how's about I just show you random-ass pictures. Woooooooo!!!

(Sorry, I know I'm majorly slacking on the updates here, but if I did keep on top of them it'd probably be a lot of "Whoa is me, I miss my friends at home, I hardly talk to them, they probably forgot about me" shit. And seriously, who wants to here that crap?)


Look, it's ELI!

....the real Eli...and his big..."gun"

Brett, this one's for you


Crazy windchime lady's house (next to our house)

Yeah...I was kinda surprised to see snow too...it made me so happy, and so sad :( I miss it

My snowman.

Brenna's idea of heaven (sans me stabbing her with forks)

Eli and I getting ready to chase a shitload of birds


At 3/22/2006 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah about the slackin on video games I completely agree, I was planning on pulling an all nighter either the first night or the last, but I was just so tired from jet lag and my full time job of being a tourist with a new camera


At 3/24/2006 8:29 PM, Blogger Oblishblot said...

why the hell is there a random pile of snow on the side of the road and not a speck anywhere else? This is highly suspicious. Also, your snowman has small balls.

At 3/26/2006 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm still waiting for you to mail me a carl's jr. special

At 3/27/2006 9:18 PM, Blogger XIII said...

the snow is from the ice hockey arena that's to the left of me :)

i mailed your burger about a month ago, it should be there soon...and now even MORE delicious since the juices have settled!!!


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