
Look at me update!

I'm a fuckin' updatin' fiend.

An updatin' fiend rockin' out to Daft Punk and Yes (Close to the Edge of course. Those hippies can fuckin' rock.)

I actually don't really feel like typing much. I'm in the weird state of dehyrdated lack of sleep, due to a long night of bars with the fellas, drinking, smoking, watching UFC with Andy, and talking on the phone with a girl in Beverly Hills that is from Buffalo, and then Alex "The Employed."

Yes. She has a new title now. No longer Alex "The Asleep and/or Drunk."

I'm pretty sure I didn't go to sleep until 7:30am...but I got woken up at 11 by Crystal. Damn phone.

Lets skip back to earlier this week.

Since the BBQ on Sunday had a lot of left over meat, Jay and I were on a strict MEAT diet all week. It consisted of getting home from work every night, firing up the grill when it got dark out, turning on the xmas lights, lighting up a clove, and popping open one of the numerous bottles of beer that was also a post-party leftover.
The meat was then eaten while either watching Band of Brothers or Firefly. Both of which are AMAZING shows. I recommend watching them if you haven't.

Jay also got the whole "Windsor Castle: A Royal Year" set from Netflix. Now we can finish the PBS documentary on the most rockin' royal castle this side of the Western Hemisphere.
The way Queen Elizabeth cuts loose it might as well be called, "Royal Grandmas Gone Wild!"

Some other weekly highlights would be:

Frankie comming over to play Katamari, and passing out. I tried to wake her up in the morning but she just made an in-human noise and thrashed around. Consequently I ran away in fear, and she ended up being late for work. :( wups.

Meeting Ray Harryhausen at a gothic Bookstore called Dark Delicacies.

Ray Harryhausen is the man that did the claymation effects for such great classics as "Clash of the Titans," "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad," and "Jason and the Argonauts."
I have to admit that when I was a kid I was obsessed with having a robotic owl like Bubo from "Clash of the Titans."

Meeting with Brit and wandering the consumer horde that is called Universal City Walk. Followed by a brief game of Halo. She fucking does QA testing for THQ.
That makes her automatically cooler than you.


Chillin' with Frankie while I taping together pages of an enormous map of L.A. I've been printing at work.

Goin' to the Red Lion with the boyZ. Oh, funny short story. I'm at the bar and this girl is introducing herself to a group of guys (apparently showing up with someone who knew them) and mistook me as part of the group. So I shake her hand and we're talking, and after about a minute one of the guys goes, "Oh, he's not with us."
Then she turned away from me and started talking to them.
I couldn't help but laugh and walk away with a grin. I LOVE how stupid people can be :)

and I guess that brings us back up to what I was mentioning in the opening eh?

So today when I finally got up, I pasted together the rest of the map (although it's not complete yet), while watching the rest of season one of "24"- which I just finished about an hour ago. (Thanks to Don I'm now addicted to a million tv shows)

Brit stopped by to play some Xbox360, and then went to lay down some vocal tracks at the studio.
Fuck right my lingo is THE hip.

Now I'm updating this and waiting to see if she's comming back to hang out, or if I'm going to Residuals with some dudes to throw some darts, eat some popcorn, and talk about something Rochester related with the waitress who works there that's from Roch-cha-chesta'.

It amazes me how often I run into New Yorkians.

That's about it...work is going well. Pretty fucking busy. And Moviola keeps fucking up their relationship with "24" so, we'll see what happens with that. (We rent out Avid systems to them, remember? And now that I've actually watched the show I'm actually interested in them.)
Monique is still as cool as everyone was hoping. God bless that tiny, tiny little girl.

Ok, I'm gonna go drink water, and sift through a pile of papers on my desk. Oh, and wander to a Washington Mutual ATM.
I'll have pics of the new apartment once I finish my wall map, as well as some other little decorations :)


At 7/31/2006 3:57 PM, Blogger Brett said...

Glad to hear things are going well 'nake. You need to post up more pictures so I can be jealous. 95 and full out swamp ass here.


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