
Adventurer wanted.

It's been a while since I've been in a mood to rant. If you've never read any of my rantings before you're in for a treat...you should see the one I did about the Zoo when I was 13.

Why is it so goddamn hard to get people to leave their caves and do things? It's unbelievable how many excuses people give just to keep from doing something active.

"I have to work."
I understand "you" have work in the morning. Look- we all do. And you know what? It's just work. Is it really going to kill you to be TIRED at work once in a while? It's not like you're you're going in the fucking coal mines.
What kind of life are you living if you wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch some t.v., go to sleep, wash, rinse and repeat? Maybe wandering one of the biggest cities in the world (where MOST of you live) on a random weeknight, followed by 3 hours of sleep, might motivate you to WANT to be awake the next day. Shit, you'll actually have something to talk about with your lame co-workers too.
Dammit people, remember when you went from high school to college and were like, "Wow! This is so much easier! I get to sleep in later, classes have breaks in-between, and they don't take attendance!" Then you went from college to a job and said, "Wow! This is great! I don't have any homework to do, or projects to worry about- there's nothing to think about after I leave work! I can just go home and relax. Plus THEY'RE paying ME!"

"I don't have any money."
So let's do something that doesn't involve money? I hear there's a great wheel down the road that we can push with a stick.
How do you not have money when you're other #1 excuse is, "I have to work tomorrow."

"I have to study."
I understand grad school is a bitch, but you've been talking about finals for 2 months now and I know for a FACT you aren't studying every night. (You just wish were instead of procrastinating by reading stupid bulletins like this.)

"My family is in town."
So bring your mom. We'll get along great.
Look, you and I both know that your parents are going to go back to their hotel by 10:00pm and then you'll be sitting around with your thumb up your ass. Remember when you used to wonder how parents can go to be so early? Or trying to imagine being old and not really ever hanging out with friends any more?
You're well on your way dipshit.


So I'm trying to find some people that actually ENJOY living, and not just on the weekend. Let me know if you find someone.

And Ron. Move the fuck out here or I'm going to fucking kidnap you. (Plus there's a Denny's one block from my apt.)

The End.


At 11/26/2007 10:30 AM, Blogger Roncore said...

Amazing rant. may i have permission to duplicate portions of this to suit my own needs?


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