
Grim Fandango.

It shone pale as bone,
As I stood there alone.
And I thought to myself,
How the Moon that night,
Cast its light,
To my heart's true delight,
On the reef,
Where her body was strewn.
With bony hands I hold my partner
On soulless feet we cross the floor
The music stops as if to answer
An empty knocking at the door
It seems his skin was sweet as mango
When last I held him to my breast
But now we dance this grim fandango
And will four years until we rest.

Alright, so for all intensive purposes the month of June was basically "Project Runway" month. I was entirely too busy to even keep track of the specific dates that events occurred on, so the following is a regurgitation of the notes I kept on my cell phone.
See, I don't forget to update you blog, I just get busy. Or...bizzzzz zay. No...just busy.

I flew out to NYC on the 30th and we immediately went to Dinosaur BBQ. "We" being Erik, Emily, Matt, Jen, Adam, Mike, Mike, Kristen, some other people I'm sure I forgot, and myself.

Dino BBQ. I didn't want to turn the flash of my camera on. I've decided that that's gay.

Matt. Gettin' all up in yo' grillllll.

Adam. Probably regretting sitting next to me...the renowned bottomless stomach freak show.

Amateurs use menus.

My two dinners. (You have NO idea how hungry this picture makes me)

My two dinners conquered.

Adam on stairs.

Adam and Erik on landing.

Mike being a lawyer. (Because he is.)

In order to save myself some valuable time, I'm going to type out the series of events that took place in NYC, then follow them with all of the pictures I took while in NYC.

Series of events that took place, in order, but without specific dates/times:
I helped Zak load-in and set up most of the gear.

At some point soon after we started shooting the show.

Got drinks at bar with Emerik and Libby. Emily and Libby talked about Heidi Klum, Tim Gunn and other cast members on Runway that I had no knowledge of (I've never watched the show. Apparently every girl on earth does.).

Discovered "Comic Life" with Emily.

Had a few words with Heidi before we started shooting. Later on my walkie battery was dying and I ended up with the one she was using. It touched her tush. Then it touched mine. We touched tushes.

Take Erik and Emily out to a non-official "congratulations you're going to get fucking married you fucking idiots" diner.
It involved saucy foods and wine.

Production ordered catered Dinosaur BBQ a number of times. All times of which got me so excited/riled that I had to txt everyone on my phone and then gorge on plates of meat while models looked on in disgust.

On my first day off Chris and I went to the "Bodies" exhibit. It was freaking awesome and full of preserved human bodies. Whole, skinned, gutted, dissected, etc.
It's absolutely amazing what's inside us sacks of meat.

Got in an elevator with a high profile actress (not knowing who the hell she was), asked her "What's up?" followed with "So what's your part in this whole mess?"
She replies, "Oh, I'm an actress."
I step out of the elevator and respond with a "Good luck with that."
Later on I learned her identity, but...ya' know. Non-disclosure act and what-not.

Erik later informs me that this story somehow evolved into "Derek got a BJ by high profile actress in an elevator."

Got a call from Ryan M., a long-time childhood friend (who coincidentally went to the same college), he had recently moved to Long Island with his lady-friend. He wasn't aware that I was in NYC, so that was pretty neat. We decided to meet up at a later date.

Attended a BBQ Block Party somewhere in Manhattan and met Emily's old co-workers. They were neat.
I ate lots of meat.

Zak proposes a job on an up-coming CBS show (which I'm currently working on), it looks to be that my months leading up to Japan won't be nearly as care-free and relaxing as planned.

I'm informed by the company in Japan that my departure date will be August 14th (immediately following the scheduled CBS show).

I spend a lot of time txt-ing Jessey.

See "Knocked Up" with Zak (tech.) and Tony (director).

Lots of drinking part-takes at "Jacks" every night.

My computer has a web-cam. It is utilized.

Emily lets me borrow Project Runway dvds. I never get around to watching them. (I've yet to see an single episode of Project Runway)

Go drinking with Matt, Kai and Dan (yay "old" college buddies!).

Crew goes drinking in karaoke bar and gets kicked out.

Eat dinner with Erik and Emily and the most bad-ass restaurant ever. Ninja New York. It was fucking full of Ninjas and Ninja Magik.

Met some hilariously busty women. Can't really go into detail on that one.

Went to see Emily's ex co-worker, MC Yummy, perform at a bar. That same night Emily was quoted saying "I like dick." In reference to a confederate soldier action figure at a comic shop. It ranks among the top unintentional Emily sexual innuendos.

Hang out with Erik and Emily. Watch lots of Thundercats and Firefly (HA! I got them addicted to it too!).

Chris and Derek discover the glory of the Mustache Finger. (Draw a mustache on your finger and hold it up to your face)

Trucker Jacket is born.

Series of photographs that took place, in order, but without specific dates/times:

Tech. room.

Tony (Director), Chris (AC/OP), Zak (Tech.)

View out of tech. room.

Amazing machine that I used to create the Holy Shit Milky Way Chocolate Expresso with extra Froth. That'll wake you up.

Every day I would see that huge billboard outside of our "studio." It was a sad and skirtless day when they took that puppy down.

View from Zak/Tony/Chris/Mo's apt.

Zak in the back of a cube truck.

Jeff in back of the same cube truck.

Jeff...taking a shit?

Guilty Panda.

Straight from Detroit.


Ted, Vin, Jeff and Shannon. (At Jack's)





Adam at Barcade.

Haha, I just looked at this pic and the way my shirt lines up with Emily it looks like it says "I <3 Emily."

Me doing three things at the same time. Drinking. Taking a picture. And doing Kristen in the butt. (Not seen in photo)

Who invited these guys?

Adam playing "Beer Tapper." INTENSE.

Is it me or is Adam getting progressively more angry throughout these pictures...

When we Eiffel Tower, we Eiffel Tower with Washingtons and Lincolns.

Tonight ONLY.

Someone must have accidentally dropped their Erik in the subway.

"I hate waiting. Goddamn it Erik. Why'd your subway card have to expire as the train was coming."

True story.


Yeah dude, I think she's totally checking you out!

This one's dedicated to all the Face's out there.


I think you lost them.

What is this? A mac lab?

OH MY GOD I lived on this for days.

The only thing that's changed since college is that we...Jesus. We don't even look older...

...or act it.

Sometimes my camera does what I want it to do. This was one of those times. (Times Square, 4am, outside of the "studio")

Ominous tower of fashion.

If I had a house boat, this is where I'd park it.

First time I've ever seen the Statue of Liberty. HOW the hell did they ship that over here from France, and WHO the hell put it together? I wish I could have seen it when it was golden copper colored.

Moose, Tony and Zak.

This is a Midas mixing board. I want one.

Ho boy...

Jeff A. or Morrisey?

Holy truckin' jacket.


Little girls and old nasty cooches beware.

Trucker Jacket and Chris are on the prowl.

What? Wanna take it outside buddy.

Trucker Jacket.
It's rumored his father was a descendant of Abe Lincoln and his mother was Amish.
No one knows where he came from, he just travels door to door selling cigarette vending machines.
They only vend loosies.
Trucker has never washed his Jacket. Only starched it.
He likes his girls like he likes his hair. Slick.

Trucker. Fucking. Jacket.

Art Fag central.

Old Art Fags.

The tomb to the left was flooded over by a muddy river, later to be hauled back to surface and assembled here. Some insensitive bastard thought it'd be funny to put it next to more water.

I want my house to be made of this shit!

Too much Thundercats makes Derek think impure thoughts about hottie cat god.

Art Fag.


Some day when I'm bored I'm going to translate all of that using the internet.

Sidekickin' it.

That's gonna be one funny lookin' kid. OOOOOoooooooooh!!!!

A Ninja adventure awaits...

You start by taking a Ninja elevator, who's lights dim as you go down, into a Ninja cavern. A Ninja awaits to greet you as the elevator doors open, and you are given the choice of taking the easy path or the DANGEROUS NINJA PATH.
Obviously we followed the Ninja down the dangerous Ninja path.

Where we were lead to our own Ninja hut.

To have some Ninja drinks.

Ninja mojito.

Ninja menu scrolls.

Emily's Ninja cocktail.

Ninja cavern. (This place was way too Ninja dark to take any Ninja pictures)

Ninja Food. (Most of the Ninja food we Ninja ordered was on Ninja fire and Ninja exploded before we Ninja ate it)

Ninja clam bombs.

Ninja meat.

Ninja fish.

Ninja table.

Ninja Emerik.

At the end of our meal we were asked if we liked ninja magik. I responded with a way too over-enthused "I LOOOOOOVE NINJA MAGIK!!!"
Ninja cards ensued.

I don't want to ruin too much of the place, but you should go. It's Ninja-tastic.

MC Yummy.

Erik p0wn'd me at this.

Ninja bar top. Wait...no...just regular bar top.

Heidi's battery pack.

View from Adam's loft roof, where we had our 3rd of July party (since I was leaving on the 4th).

Eli even came!

We set up a projector and sheet, for Guitar Hero.


Waiting for Guitar Hero to start...

Emerik and Emily's Ex Co-Workers.

Oh shit. Shit's about to go DOWN.

Me warming up for the big "Derek vs. Emily" competition.

Emily warming up.

DUDLEY!!!! Yup :) He showed up too! (And was the photographer for the event)

And Kristen's ass. ;)

Strange how life works out huh?

Awww, Guitar Hero fiances!

Man, can't beat the view from this roof!

Oh shit! The RAWK is on!

Weeee neeee nenenenenenneeeeeee wweeeeeee!!!!

It is officially ON.

Dunnna dun dun dun dunnnnnaaananananana!!!

Wheeeeee looo wehhhehehe loo!!!!

Emily got rocked. AGAIN. (The night before I beat her 35 to 1. Oh oh, I'm sorry, was it 35 to 2? Yeah SHUT YO MOUTH!!! Either way it was 35 to YOU GOT OWNED.)

Round 2. And it's getting SERIOUS.




True story. (Hey Emily, why does every picture of you end up being a crotch shot!?!)

Seasons don't fear the reaper.

This is one of my all-time favorite pictures EVER. (Especially with the BLING on Emily's finger!!!)

Awwwww, I can't wait do this pose in a tux and a wedding dress.

It takes YEARS to rock this hard.


This is what I picture Emily looking like when she's being mad at Erik. Of course that wouldn't last too long 'cause he'd just smack da' bitch and tell her to get him some juice.

Which will all end after his vasectomy...er...wedding in 2 years.


Oh what's that Emily!?


Yup, Ryan was there too! It was a regular Caz reunion :)

This is the closest Derek's gotten to getting laid in MONTHS.

The most adorable moment ever, captured on Adam's cell phone.

Aw, I miss you everyone in NY. :(

Any of you that are reading this that I haven't talked to in a while- sorry I've been so freakin' busy. Hopefully there will be more trips like this in our futures :)


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