
Who killed Laura Palmer?

I dumped a bunch of pictures off of my cell phone on to my computer, a lot of which seem to be pretty old.

Thanksgiving old.

But hey, might as well show 'em right? So here's Steve and Steve at Thanksgiving.

Steve made a mess right off the bat (which I'm sure had NOTHING to do with the generous amounts of drinking).
To me it resembled a Rorschach inkblot test...either that...or an angry father who can't accept his son's lack of athletic ability.

"Other" Steve was feeling a little saucy, so decided to drink 3 shots in a row followed by a jump kick.

Resulting in feeling...not-so-saucy.

Some other random pictures included, but were not limited to:

A very sad looking crafty table on a show I did in NYC...except for the fact that it was fully stocked with Parliaments.

Not to be out done, this crafty table was from a show in LA...it kind of reminds me of my grandma's purse.

Abra (Erik and Emily's pet rabbit), having her way with a stuffed animal. (Does that make her a Plushie?)

Adam .

Emily !

Jenn ?

Me $

My worldly backpack (big tan thing on the right side of the cart).

Steve ^_^

Chris O_O

My neighbor laying in his doorway (his legs are sticking out of the door)...

Don !@$%

A X-Mas party I went to with Steve.

(The people in the bottom center are standing on a bridge of Plexiglas that is spanning the pool)

Shot-luge! (At said party)

Tony *_*

A sign posted in the basement of the Whittier Police Department.


Flaming Skull. (The mug is on my kitchen sink)

Flower vending machine.

A crafts book with a suspicious title.

Awesome Japanese (yakitori) restaurant in NYC.

When I joined the Blue Man Group.

I ate these ALL the time in Japan. I found this in a Japanese market (in LA) and bought it because it was all in English.
Eventually I ate it and it was delicious.


At 3/11/2008 3:07 AM, Blogger Lesley said...

Dear Derek,

You crack my shit up. Your phone also makes for pretty impressive pic quality. Not to speak ill of my Motorola razr of course.



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