

While shooting in Orlando, FL we had honor of taking a trip to Mars (oddly enough the spaceship was placed in Disney World). There was a safety video we had to watch before our departure...flying to Mars apparently doesn't require a lot of training, and this video briefly mentioned that we may be prone to becoming dis-oriented during the flight.

Coincidentally, the visual representation of this warning involved an Asian woman.

I voiced my concern that this machine may in-fact take Oriental people...and dis-Orient them, as mentioned in the television demonstration.
Disney no longer appreciates my business.

And hear I thought that creating a (virtual reality) roller coaster called the "Jolly-O-Matic," then riding it with my sister...would have been more offense than that.


After San Diego, I had time to spend one day at home to take shorts out of my luggage and replace them with pants.
I was headin' to work in the big city!

Might as well say it, "As usual I can't really go into details but here's some pictures I took while I was there."

Stairwell outside of Erik and Emily's apartment.

With floors that thin, I felt like I was looking at two worlds at once.

(I believe I took that picture shortly before Barrack Obama won the presidential election of 2008. OBAMA!)

For some reason, I believe the sign.

"What's da' pran again? I forget."

Halloween night, huddled inside of a bar with Erik and Emily, hiding from the zombies outside.

(Seriously, the streets in the East Village were CRAZY packed with people. I've never seen so many people in costumes before...well...not since that one incident...)

The #1 NATURAL cause of deaths per year is heart-related.
The #1 CAUSE of deaths per year is hot-water-heater related.

(Cardiovascular seemed like too big of a word for that sentence.)

A label describing how to achieve 2nd & 3rd degree burns at varying temperatures.

I'd like to meet the guy that spends 5 minutes exposing himself to 120 degree water. What an asshole!

What's that you say? Hot tub? I've never heard of such a device.

I'm pretty sure Zak is sponsored by Red Bull by now.

Or Apple?

Hard at work. As usual.

(Line Rider was a big hit on this show.)

Some big building that was across from the rooftop I was on.

Silly Ron. You can't put your plate in the to-go container!

Do you like to get spwet? Do you like to party? This might be the place for you.

("Spwet" (noun) : when a male gets wet from sexual arousal.)

Lets hear it for the...

Hmm. It was working a minute ago.

Probably one of the best Bday cards ever. EVER.

You said it Zak.

This post is dedicated to Erik and Emily. You guys fucking rock. It's too bad you'll probably never read this.

This asterisk is dedicated to Ron and Adam. You guys kinda rock too.


At 1/13/2009 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pshaw! I read it.


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