

There's a pothole outside our apartment that has to be the biggest pothole in America. People actually get out of their cars and take pictures of it. It's HILARIOUS when people hit it, 'THUB BUMP!'


I just made a whole pack of bacon. I dumped all the grease down the toilet and the sink drains. Take that fuckin landlord. I hope you break your face trying to fix the clogged pipes.

Brenna and I are trying to find a loft apartment in Oceanview, CA. Lofts are so freggin' cool.

I just traded in all the controllers I found at work for Katamari Domacy, and had mystery credit on my account so I bought Metal Gear Ac!d for my PSP. Yeah...for some reason Metal Gear is a series I feel I must own every game of. I love you Hideo Kojima. If you were a hot asian chick I'd probably want to do you.

I love you Brenna. Ignore what I just said ;)

I also got a ton of paper towels at Target. I made all that bacon and didn't have paper towels to lay it on. There's no way you can imagine how much grease is on the bacon. I mean...it's Hormel bacon...picture...a pan of grease....with a dead lady bug in it. Yeah. The lady bug represents the bacon. Cruncy. Specky. Kinda red. Kinda black. Now picture a plate of lady bugs...that are greasy. That's exactly what I had to deal with. But now it's bacon. Because I wiped the grease off. But either way I'm still leaning on the creation of nano-bots that will clean my arteries in the future. There's nooooooo freggin' way my arteries are going to make it without those nano-bots...

On my way to trade in those controllers I did a lot of thinking in my car. Thinking about this blog.

Kate's blog has this written in it:
". here's a good picture of all the spam ads on their wall. it so happens that derek's screen name is also a devotion to spam. i remember his old posts on the forum and how he seemed like a really nerdy freak, but then i met him in real life, and he's really only nuts on the inside of his head."

way to hit the nail on the head. It's amazing. I've had my blog going for a few days, and already I feel 20x more emo (much like the old days), 30x more reminiscent of the good ol' days, and 40x more stressed that I need to update my blog of every freggin' detail of my life.

I wouldn't be surprised if this blog thing was limited edition. It's tough man. My mind works in crazy, unlucky, un-efficient, and mysterious ways...


At 5/02/2005 9:49 PM, Blogger Oblishblot said...

fortunately on friday, there was a cone, just barely peeking out of the pothole, warning passersby of its presence.

At 5/03/2005 4:57 AM, Blogger Cheshire Katz said...

Well blogs certainly have the effect of forcing you to self-examine, think about where you are, where you're going, and if its what you really want, because you actually have to sit down, document it, and review it. That can be pretty rough.

Also I was glancing around and noticed a shitload of classified ads for San Diego.
Schedule some apointments before you leave for the coast.

At 5/03/2005 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh i wish i could edit my comments because the last one i left i sounded like a superbitch! it was meant to be humorus/sarcastic.

so yeah i will dress like a japanese chick anytime you want. except im a giant....

and you fanasize about andrea? at work? you are weird. but its me who loves you, voluntarily. you are stuck with you. so that makes me weirder ;) i win!


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