
Going To Heck In A Derek Basket

I'm going to skip the usual apologies for taking so long to update, I've accepted the fact that a non-routine life-style shall result in non-routine updates. C'est la vie. それは生命である.

So I'm reaching the end of my 4 week of vacation. "Wow, 4 weeks. That's a long vacation," may be what you are thinking. Well, it might be a long time to one of you honkies, but after working 32 consecutive days I was about due for a long weekend eh?
Also keep in mind that I had roughly 7 months worth of catching up to do. But...how much could I possibly have to catch up on? Valerie will typically ask me what I get done at the end of each day, which is essentially the same question, and it's hard to explain.
So I'll break it all down.

Week 1
-Recovering from being sick with a combination cold/sinus infection
-Right shoulder still gets sore, I'll attempt to not use my right arm this week.
-Spending lots of time laying in bed with Valerie.
-Buy groceries.
-Catch up on un-read internet sites (approx. 100 hours worth).
-Countless hours spent organizing MP3's, e-mails, contacts in my address book, pictures, and data on PC.

Week 2
-Catching up on list of movies I've been meaning to watch.
-Beat Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, Guitar Hero 3.
-Download and play every Xbox 360 demo and XBLA game released since I was in Japan.
-Watch every episode of "The Venture Bros." (AMAZING Cartoon Network cartoon).

Week 3
-File taxes (multiple day endeavor).
-Double check my 2007/2008 spreadsheets.
-Research investment possibilities.
-Update neat-o locations on the huge map of LA on my wall.
-Watch every episode of "Arrested Development" (Most well written show EVER).
-Catch up with family.
-Recover from re-occurring infection.

Week 4
-Catch up on blog.
-Make Valerie a massive collection of CD's to hopefully outweigh all the crappy ones in her car.
-Trim hair, clean apt./car/bike, etc.
-Eat cheesecake.

Last night I got cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory, so once this blog is posted I'll basically be completely caught up...well...as caught up as I expected to be. The life of an OCD fellow never seems completely caught up.

I was going to put "Catch up on EVERYONE'S blogs" on the list, but after one look at Kate's blog I had a mild-to-medium anxiety attack and decided against the whole idea.

Here are some pictures I took recently. You can pretend you're sitting on the couch next to me and I'm playing a slide show for you.

If you click on it for the larger image you'll see that it says "The most American thing in America" underneath the main title.
I thought this was a lofty claim.

Trail I hiked on with Valerie and Steves. (There are two Steves...so...Steves. Stevii?)

It kinda reminded me of "The Princess Bride." But without the R.O.U.S.

That's West Hollywood/Santa Monica in the distance. The yellow cloud is exactly what you think it is.

The haze added a lovely effect to the sunset.


The girl that keeps sneaking into my house at night and taking up half my bed.

Those clouds were rolling by really really fast. But because this is just a picture you'll have to take my word for it. Honestly, why would I even lie about something like that?

Downtown L.A. as seen from our Malibu hiking trail.

Nature is pretty.


More sun setting action. I dunno, I thought it was pretty. If you don't you can suck it. Punk.

Oh shit, what's this. Art. FAG.

I call this, "Bridge." But ya' know...you can call it whatever you want. It doesn't mind.

Watch out for mountain lions and rattle snakes. And mountain lions that shoot rattlesnakes out of their mouths.

Playing a little game of Edward 40 Hands.

While watching Harry Potter...

Kicking Valerie's ASS at chess (in the Burbank mall).

She went to kiss me and I was all like. Ew.

Damn straight son. Damnnnn straight.

Creepy mother fucker that I work for.

Um. Yeah. So that's that. I actually didn't post this until 2 weeks from when I started it- once again I'm knee deep in the world that is television production.
What do you want me to say man? I get busy. But hey...I still love you.

Whoever you are.


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