
You're A Face.

Today Brenna had her phone interview about her transfer to the Geico in Poway, CA (just north of San Diego). They said they'd let her know if she got it either today or tomorrow. Well...it wasn't today. Everyone cross your fingers for tomorrow...

I don't know what's more nuts...weather or the weathermen. A few years ago here in New York City, we had a blizzard. 36 inches of snow. I guess you Midwesterners would call that a dusting. Well, our weatherman at the time, Al Roker, predicted we'd have 4 - 12 inches of snow. Well, giving him the benefit of the doubt, that stills leaves him 2 feet off. This was an emergency condition. Now if you were a roofer and you built a roof and it was 2 feet off, you'd still be serving time.

Now, what's meteorologist mean in English. It means liar. And what's the best job you can have in the world. It's being the weatherperson in San Diego, CA. It doesn't get any better than that. You're on TV for less than a minute. You've got a 6-figure income. They're like "What's the weather going to be like, Lewis?" "Nice....back to you."

-Lewis Black in Los Angeles


At 5/14/2005 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

San Diego? But that is like 2500 miles further than you guys already are from me. Can I visit?

At 5/16/2005 9:05 AM, Blogger XIII said...

you better visit :(


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