
Death by stereo!!!

The title of this blog entry is a quote from "The Lost Boys." The BEST goddamn vampire movie that stars "The Corey's" AND Keither Sutherland of "24" fame!

So lets kick off things a little different eh? Here's some more pictures from the first two music videos Don and I shot:

Starting with the Conex video-

This is the half-circle dolly track in which we used for our "matrix" move (you know, setting the camera to 60 fps and shoving the dolly as fast as it can go without flying off the roof...ending up with footage that looks "matrix"-esque)

"Yeah Don, I swear this sandbag will stop you from going off the roof!"

The intense look just makes me look important.

Our fine young star in front of the Capital Records building...

...and of course The Knickerbocker Hotel (now senior home, but still believed to be haunted by the ghosts of many Hollywood stars, including the one-and-only Houdini).

Derek Says: Fuck bounce boards and flags, I got a motha fuckin' paper plate!

Alright, and moving onto some Polus pictures-

The band (Polus), the star (Rachael), and the motha' fuckin' BEAT BOX YO!

Ryan blows a mean balloon.

"It's like there's a party inside my camera, and everyone's invited!"

"Stop guys, I see a unicorn!"

Streamers = Fun.

Who farted?

It took a lot of convincing to get Don up there.

Alright, and now for the boring stuff that only Derek cares about (yes I just referred to myself in 3rd person, it's all the rage with the kids these days). Let it be known that this whole time I've been itchin' to use the term "you old so-and-so," but haven't found the right opportunity.

I think I summed it up pretty well in the following away message I typed at 3 a.m. Friday night/morning.
(i'm sending this at 3a.m. my time, even though i'm super tired, just to make up for the last couple days i didn't send my daily "have ___ day" message)

I also want to make sure everyone knows that I:

a) saw Weird Al tonight on the escalator/sidewalk with what appeared to be his very young daughter, while waiting to be seated at The Cheesecake Factory (yes it was DEFINATELY him!)

b) saw "The Departed" and think it's the goddamn best movie I've seen since "Nightwatch".

c) get psyched for the movie "300" (slade and OP, I'm lookin at you guys)
Pretty self-explanitory eh?

At some point during this week, or the middle of last week Lexi (director) came to Moviola to show Don and I the rough cut of the music video.
It was neat of her to go out of her way to come visit us. Yay. :)

Spent the majority of the day watching "The Lost Boys." Man, that movie is just as good, if not better, than the last time I saw it...when I was 11.

I spent the other part of my work-day collaborating on a story with Gladys (a.k.a. G-Spot and/or G-Funk). Gladys is neat. <--later to be decided some sort of...Super...girl.

I also learned this interesting tid-bit!
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo." Is a real English sentence. This was discovered by an English professor from where I went to college...which is cool...comming from Buffalo ;)

It would read as:
"Buffalo (the town) buffalo (as in animal) [that] Buffalo (town) buffalo (animal) buffalo (as in hassel) [,] [also] buffalo (hassel) Buffalo (town) buffalo (animal).


"Buffalos that are themselves intimidated by buffalo in their community also happen to intimidate buffalo also in their community."
Get it?

After work I went home and cut my hair...for maximum spikeablility. Then I headed over to Andy's place (allllllllllllllllllll the way across the street) to watch some UFC, drink beer and eat pizza.

Which was excellent after a long day of sitting on the couch at work watching more "Lost Boys"!!! Yup, I'm addicted to this movied. And Keither's studdly "Billy Idol" bleach hair.

The "Ed Hardy" clothing company (which operates in our building) was also holding a casting call for a t.v. show they're trying to start. I guess it would be similar to Trump's "Apprentice."
So all day there were tons of douche-bags lined up outside our building partaking in douche-baggery.
It was really obnoxious. ESPECIALLY when Christian A. (CEO of Ed Hardy) would purposely drive up and down the road in his ferrari to make them all scream (for stock footage).

Loooooooooooong day at work, eased yet again for the 3rd day in a row by the internet marvel herself, G-Spot.
Unfortuntely, this is consequentially forcing me into spending much more time on myspace than usual, something that makes me question my sexuality.

After work, of course, was Trivia Night! Low-and-behold tonight we placed 1st for the first time in our six week history :)
w00t w00t!
Take that "Werewolves of London," "Old Dudes Rule," "Touched By An Uncle," "Han Solo," and all you other bar slobs!
You are officially reading the blog of a Trivia Night winner. I understand this may be overwhelming to you readers, it's ok, you can go masturbate if you need too. Because I'mmmmm going to bed!



At 10/12/2006 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I Masterbate to the "I'm going to bed part" instead of the Trivial Night winner part?

I don't know... something about watching you sleep used to get me..... errrrrrrr... i mean...


At 10/12/2006 5:05 PM, Blogger Oblishblot said...

wow, I'm truly privileged to be reading these words. Please honor me by farting in my general direction.


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