
Chillittens- chinchilla mittens.

Alright, so since that last post I got kind of busy, traveled to NYC for work and stuff. So yeah, there hasn't been any word from Brenna's boss, so I'm pretty much just randomly applying for jobs for production companies that have websites. Hopefully by December 1st (our deadline to leave Buffalo, no matter what) I'll find something. In the meantime we're going to move into the place we had already signed a lease for, then come December I'll try and find someone to take it from us.

I'm actually a little too tired to really want to type this right now. NYC was fun and stuff. Looks like I'm BAV's new permanent camera guy...woo. The Las Vegas trip is comming up soon, that will be fun...hopefully. I'm going to try and find a job out there, I figure maybe if I can find one we could move there, and inch our way towards California ;)

I'm at a loss on ideas of other things to talk about. E3 was last week, XBox 360, PS3, and Nintendo Revolution all made their deput. I hope the PS3 packs what Sony says it's going to, it'd be nice to see them take Micro$oft down a notch.

Ok, I'm going to go play Psychonauts on XBox, it's a pretty amazing game. Raz.


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