
I am the great Wazoo!

Alright, well here's the long awaited update on the Old Forge pics. Unfortunetly my parents still haven't sent me the pictures of the bears we were 5 feet away from (I wasn't using my camera at that point) but this kinda covers the rest of the trip:

My favorite bridge (right near the cabin we stay in, it's right out on the lake around the corner)

This is the entrance to our cabin

This is what's behind out cabin (looking at it from the lake)

Inside the cabin

Our dock

An island out on Moss Lake that an endangered bird nests at (the huge freggin' nest in the one tall tree)

Win this chair at the ice cream place...

Plane we rode on

My parents

Plane take off

Us in the plane




The inside plane

My view out of the plane window

The plane landing

And an evil deer that I fed the day we left

Random stock photos


GolGol Fangs First, Mamu, and your mom.

If anyone (that means you Kevin!) feels like takin' me on in an internet game of Rage here's a link to get you started, be careful though it's like a coke dealer, you only get 5 free games a month- after that you gotta pay.



Crinos, Curb Stomps, and Frenzies

Well, I had a link to a site that let you type in your address to a google map search and it would tell you the cheapest places to get gas that are near you. Unfortunetly it's down now...I guess that's what happens when you make a website that has meaning.

Another thing I've been meaning to mention but just haven't figured out how to incorporate it into a log is the natural occurance of the number "phi." If you don't know what that word is, or you think it is "pi" spelled wrong, you should do a search on it. It's pretty much the number you always get if you divide things in a certain way. For example, the placement of your elbow on your arm is phi. As is your knee, belly-button, eyes, knuckles, etc. They are all positioned in the same place based on if you divide the length by the number phi (for example, your arm length divided by phi is where your elbow is). This also accounts for the spirals in sunflowers, stripes on tigers, etc. etc.


So the other day was cool, I got home from work and went to Troma HQ with Brenna to drop off a fold-out-couch for them. We talked with them for a little bit about helping out and stuff. Then we went to the mall to find card protectors for my Rage TM cards. The coolest game ever. EVER. No one had any, but we got directed to a card shop nearby called "Jesters Cap." So they had tons of them. Most of them were all cool with halograms on them of dragons and wizards and shit. I just got the clear plastic ones...

The guy working there told me Rage wasn't worth money. He lies.

He also told us about (he was a chatty fellow) about a card game that basically makes fun of role playing card games called Munchkins. It comes in different genres such as Dungeon/Dragons, Vampires, Anime, Sci-Fi, etc. Brenna and I got the vampire one, for $20 it should be pretty fun.

After that Brenna and I had movie night. We were supposed to watch movies all night and stuff. In reality we ended up watching part of a movie, and going to sleep. Over-all it was a pretty big failure of a movie night...I guess it all went downhill the minute we left the house to Troma HQ.

In realated news, one of my favorite video games is being combined with my favorite vampire slayer to form Alice, the movie. Although I'd prefer my real celebrity girlfriend, Natalie Portman, to play as Alice, you can't go wrong with a Gellar.

In un-related news, my designs for the "Son-of-Concord" were stolen. Originalley I had developed the plans to build my plane to visit Brenna in WA (now that's she here it doesn't really matter). Oh well, I guess flying mach 5.5 of civilian territory would have been a big no-no anyways.

So I'm about to head out to Syracuse for the day, for work, and I gotta wrap this up. I'm looking forward to some good ol' Dinosaur BBQ (which is in NYC now! Kai, you better have just read that).

In the mean time get psyched for the "Family Guy" movie that 's going to be comming out. Also, the possible re-unity of The Smashing Pumpkins.

Fri- 8pm MTV2, the airing of the show Rons been working on

Sat- 10:00 pm, Poker Night


Bucks n' Does

Holy cow do we have a lot to discuss. Um, I think I left off when I was moving into our new house. So I spent that whole week moving and unpacking and then going to Vegas. Then when I got back from Vegas I worked a really busy week (mostly on the border of Canada) that ran on average about 12 hour days before I even got home. Then this last Friday through Sunday I had major family festivities.

Friday after work Brenna and I drove to Green Lakes golf course in Syracuse, to attend my parents 25th Anniversary party. My sister and I gave them lots of cash (rolled together in 20's and 5's) to either spend on their upcomming trip to Hawaii or there soon after trip to Africa (after hiking Machu Piccu and the Incan temples in Peru they decided they wanted to hike Mt. Kilamonjaro (spelled?)). So we partied hard until around midnight, got to dance with Brenna and see my relatives and stuff. Then when the party ended my parents, Danielle and her boyfriend Justin, got in my parents car, and Brenna and I got in my car, and we all drove to Old Forge.

We got there at about 1:45 a.m. and unpacked our cars. Brenna and I shoved two bunk beds together to make a fort to sleep in, and then everyone went to bed.

We woke up around 10:30 and first thing I went out in a kayak and took some pictures of the cabin we were staying in, from the lake (along with some of a bridge I like and some mountains). Then I attempted to roll the kayak all the way around in the water with me in it. I got half way. That didn't work to well...ya know...stopping underwater facing down. After that we all ate breakfast and packed a lunch, and went to go hike a mountain.

What is it with Hecks and hiking?

On our way up the mountain a snake almost hit me in the legs (it was tumbling down at me) and then it went off to the side of the trail. Justin decided he wanted to pick it up, keep in mind it was a 3 foot long garter snake. So he grabbed it's tail, and then it bit his hand. The weird part was it stayed biting on his hand. So he was standing there with a 3 foot snake hanging from his hand, and started pinching it's head trying to pull it off. It made a really loud ripping noise, not unlike when you pull a hook out of a fish's mouth. So then his hand started bleeding and everyone was freaking out, but it wasn't even a deep bite, it was like a bleeding cat scratch. I mean, come on, it was a garter snake.

So then after considering sucking imaginary venom from his hand, but deciding to just coat it with antibiotics and iodine, we continued. That's about all I can say about that hike, because that was the only thing that stuck out that you'd find interesting. There were cool rocks at the top, but you'd have to see the pictures to understand.

After that hike we went home and Brenna, and I cooked dinner for my parents, Danielle was the cleaning lady, Justin was the waiter. We all dressed up. It was adorable.Woo.

It made my mom really happy, she cried. I think she decided she missed us.

Dinner came out good too. It was beer boiled shrimp with spicy cocktail sauce, salad, mojito chicken, cheesey garlic bicuits, garlic mashed potatoes, and rice (which didn't come out right), all made from scratch. Dessert was Reece's peanut butter cups on a plate with chocolate sauce and strawberries...yeah, we forgot about what to get for dessert.

After that we played Cranium, darts, and shot bottle rockets into the lake.

The next day we hiked Rocky mountain, played Magic and darts. Then my parents paid for us all to ride on a 4 person sea-plane (20 min. ride) over Old Forge, I have some pics of that that I'll put up, it was pretty fun, sans the parts when the plane would drop a couple feet, then I questioned the integrity of a 30+ year old sea-plane that is supposed to fly AND land in water.

Then we went to a really cool cabin grounds thing, with a huge awesome log lodge thing, and played the ring game. It's a ring on a string haning from the ceiling, and you swing it towards a nail on a post and try to get it to catch on it.

Yeah, I know, holly shit, how exciting. It's fun when you're the one doing it though!

Usually we'd also see bears eating out of the dumpster there, but the dumpsters have to be electrified now due to New York State law. So instead, the owner of the place cleared out a clearing in the woods, and built a blind to sit it with a camera attatched to the top. The camera is connected to a TV in the lodge, and on it we saw a mother black bear with 3 cubs. The owner told us that we could hike up to the blind (yay more hiking) and watch them eat because he was about to feed them the leftovers from the kitchen. Apparently the bears wouldn't rip off our faces?

So we went up the path and the mom was sitting there. About 50 feet away. Until she walked towards us and was 15 feet away. That was scary. The cubs were up in a tree, and we were just like...um...crap.

So Justin and I started inching our ways between her and the blind, figured what's the difference if we get a few feet closer, if she wants to kill us she's going to do it regardless of if we're 15 or 10 feet away. So we actually made it in the blind alive, and then everyone else followed. Then we sat in the blind and she moved about 5 feet closer. So we were 5 feet from a black bear with nothing but an inch of plywood for protection. Reeeeeeal secure feeling.

Then the owner (70 years old man) comes grunting up the trail hauling a garbage bag over his shoulder. He walks right up next to her! Throws some trail mix on the ground, and while she eats that he dumps a garbage bag full of Quiche on the ground. Keep in mind he was so close to her that if she turned around she'd probably knock into him. Now that's RUGGED.

So we sat there and watched her eat, and took pictures until she finally walked away.

That was freakin' awesome.

I bought pizza and chicken wings for everyone as a pizza party for my dad's Father's Day present.

Then it started to get late so Brenna and I needed to head home (4.5 hour ride home from Old Forge to Buffalo), but my parents lead us out of Old Forge so we would know where to go, plus we stopped a couple times to feed some deer on the side of the road.

Good times, good times.

Now it's back to a fairly busy week of work (probably my 3rd straight week of overtime hours), but at least next week I have quite a few days off, I'll probably spend a good majority of it a) helping out over at Troma productions Buffalo HQ and b)getting used to the new house, I still haven't really spent much time in it!!!

Sixteen military wives,Thirty-two softly focused, brightly colored eyes
Staring at the natural tan,of thirty-two gently clenching, wrinkled, little hands.
Seventeen company men,Out of which only twelve will make it back again.
Seargeant sent a letter to five,Military wives, his tears drip down to ten little eyes.

Cheer them on to their rivals
Cause America can, and America can't say no
And America does, if America says it's so
It's so
And the anchorperson on TV goes...La de da de da

Fifteen celebrity mimesLeaving their fifteen sorted wretched checkered lives
Will they find the solution in time
Using their fifteen pristine moderate liberal minds?

Eighteen academy chairs
Out of which only seven really even care
Doling out a garment to five
Celebrity mimes, they're humbly taken by surprise

Cheer them on to their rivals
Cause America can, and America can't say no
And America does, if America says it's so
It's so
And the anchorperson on TV goes...La de da de da de-dadedade-da
La de da de da de-dadedade-da

Fourteen cannibal kings
Wondering blindly what the dinner bell will bring
Fifteen celebrity mimes
Served on a leafy bed th sixteen military wives

Cheer them on to their rivals
Cause America can, and America can't say no
And America does, if America says it's so
It's so
And the anchorperson on TV goes...La de da de da de-dadedade-da
La de da de da de-dadedade-da

"16 Military Wives" -The Decemberists



Go see Batman Begins it was AMAZING.



Hey people, sorry I haven't updated in a while. On Wednesday last week I spent the WHOLE day moving out of our old apartment into our new one (with a little help from Franco). Then I spent the next 3 or 4 days unpacking everything....all day, every day. Ugh. At least it's over though, and Brenna and I are pretty happy with the place. I'll put pictures up when I get home (the reason I haven't updated or been online at all is because a)i was hella busy moving, and b)we didn't get our internet connection hooked up yet).

We also had poker night on last Saturday night, in our NEW basement! WOO! We had 14 people show up, but 3 of them left because they brought a cat and everyone was allergic to it...
Now, on top of the "check wave" tradition, rumor has it that Matt has bought us a "ALL IN!" megaphone, for our new screaming "ALL IN!" into a rolled up tube tradition!

I left for Vegas on this last Tuesday. I bought Hot Shots Golf for my PSP and played it on the plane a lot. Yay PSP.

So Tuesday we arrived, ate dinner at PF Changs (a really good chinesse food chain), and then gambled with our bosses money (it's me and one other guy I work ((Greg)) with, our boss gave us $20 to gamble with, we put it on black and it won, we kept all the winnings on black and it won again, then I played a hand of black jack with those winnings and got a black jack...then we lost it all yesterday). Then we wandered around the city, won some more money with our bosses winnings. When we were ready to go home we tried to hail a taxi down...but there weren't any taxis. Then out of nowhere a parade of taxis came down the street with their hazards on and honking, and they wouldn't pick anyone up. Finally one picked us up and we asked what was going on, apparently the city secretly passed a bill making it illegal for taxi drivers to get tips from businesses. For example, if I said, "where's a good stip club" there might be a strip club that pays the driver $20 per person they bring there, well now they can't do that. So the drivers would be losing about $200-$400 in tips a week, BUT that law wouldn't not apply to limo drivers.

Apparently that's bull-larky.

Then we went to bed?

So yesterday we had classes all day but at one point during the day got hooked up with VIP-like tickets to an Extron party....think of Extron as the Microsoft of the Audio/Visual world. So we went to the VIP party which took up a whole freggin' arena. It was pretty amazing. There was food EVERYWHERE. TONS OF FOOD. Pizza, mexican, pretzels, beer, just tons of food everywhere. We also got complimentary drink tickets...so there was free alchohal! So on top of all the food and beer, they had filled the whole arena with video games. It was just a huge arcade, that was free. They also had tons of pool tables, fuse (spelling?) ball, air hockey, bull riding, etc.


Then on top of that there were two stages. The main stage had a REALLY, REALLY bad 80's cover band (with divo hats!) and the smaller stage had a hot chick band covering 80's and 90's chick songs will doing syncranized chick dances, with a big screen on each side of the stage with chick shadow dancers behind them.

That's gotta be the most times I've used the word chick in a sentence.

After the party we went back to the hotel and played some bedtime blackjack. The woman dealing was throwing the cards at us. It was crazy. She kept throwing them at my knuckles. And then she kept getting blackjacks. So....we lost....surprise?

Alright, I have to go to classes, I'm going to add to this update later...and probably revise it a little with more details.

I'll be back in Buffalo on Friday evening...if you're wondering....



Brenna and I have moved to our new home, we'll be back online on Tuesday. I'm leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow, either I'll update there or when I get home. Hope everyone is doing well!